Sunday, July 22, 2007

These stories make it clear food handling is not what it should be

More stories have appeared in the headlines regarding such things as botulism and e.coli, two nasty little bugs. It bears repeating that concerns about food safety continue to command the limelight.

The first story, which appeared on, relates the story about a canned food recall related to outbreaks of botulism poisoning;

E. coli in beef continues in places like Tennessee, N. Carolina and Pennsylvania. It does not instill confidence in the way beef is being processed. Although e.coli could be found in organic meats as well, it would be smart for consumers to cook their meats thoroughly, as this will destroy the bacteria. As for the canned food, it's not common for canned food to be tainted. Hopefully, tainted food can be recalled before too many people become ill.

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