Monday, August 13, 2007

Nuturing your inner activist

No doubt many of you, like me, can easily spend hours on the internet, searching for information and getting updates on all the events that concern us today. There's a nice website which utilizes the power of Web 2.0 to bring user-generated content about the environment, health and wellness, organics and food safety, politics, etc. Here, I've met like-minded individuals who care about alot of the same things that I care about. And unlike other such sites, users have many opportunities to take action by clicking a mouse or signing a petition. What could be simpler? Click on the link below to check it out:

It's a growing community of over 7 million people the world over. Chances are you'll find information that is of interest to you, and you can catch up on some much-needed reading. There's nothing like a little armchair activism.

1 comment:

Paultera135 said...

cool site visit mine and comit