Monday, June 4, 2007

Something we "health nuts" don't know - right?

If you've seen the front page of the most recent "Time" magazine, you may have noticed the article entitled "Herb Remedy's Potential Dangers." You can go the article here.

I'm tired of reading about the "dangers" of herbal remedies written by fearmongers who possibly intend to scare consumers aware from using herbs. I myself have responded very well to herbs, from St. John's wort to Licorice root, with no ill effects. I do not abuse them, of course. I do not take conventional medications because they are dangerous. Have doctors and reporters unaware of the toxicity of most prescribed medications, including nausea, vomiting, liver toxicity, kidney damage, blood clots, and even cancer? These are far more dangerous than any herbs that the average consumer might take.

Even more dangerous is the related Time article, "Save Us From Alternative Medicine", which you can read by clicking here. In the article, the author proposes that we eliminate the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, which allows herbal supplements to be sold without Federal regulation. His argument is compelling; the FDA is obligated to "protect" us from snake oil salesmen who are robbing us blind. The whole idea is an insult to my intelligence. The FDA has certainly done a bang-up job protecting consumers from pharmaceutical companies that are out for a buck. I'd rather use my own judgment, thank you. I don't need to be "saved." Do you?

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