Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thoughts on the empty nest

Well, it finally happened; my youngest daughter graduated from High School this year, and last week she headed out to college. Although I had prepared them (and myself) for this moment, it still felt strange. Turning 50 did not feel half as strange as this. They're great kids, all three of them, and I'm very proud of them, but it doesn't make this venture into adulthood any easier for their parents.

Strangely enough, they feel proud of me as well - it was quite an accomplishment for a technophobe like myself to be creating websites, writing songs, and the like. Have I actually been an inspiration to them? Wouldn't that be cool?

Shucks, even their food choices have improved. Their favorite meals are baked salmon, asparagus, roasted lamb chops, couscous, homemade squash soup, and similar delights. Or maybe they just enjoyed my cooking. At any rate, some of our fondest memories have revolved around food and family. I suspect that it's the same for many of you.

Well, I'm so glad that I unloaded. I feel better already...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Important questions that can supercharge your life

With summer vacations drawing to a close, it's sometimes difficult to find the motivation when you return to work. Sometimes we need to re-align priorities and focus on what's most important. If you do, there's a great list that I discovered recently that helps you ask all the right questions. Sometimes finding the right answers is all about asking the right questions. You can go to the post by clicking here.

I like this website, and recommend it for its many insightful articles covering various practical topics. Sometimes all we need is a little inspiration.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Nuturing your inner activist

No doubt many of you, like me, can easily spend hours on the internet, searching for information and getting updates on all the events that concern us today. There's a nice website which utilizes the power of Web 2.0 to bring user-generated content about the environment, health and wellness, organics and food safety, politics, etc. Here, I've met like-minded individuals who care about alot of the same things that I care about. And unlike other such sites, users have many opportunities to take action by clicking a mouse or signing a petition. What could be simpler? Click on the link below to check it out:

It's a growing community of over 7 million people the world over. Chances are you'll find information that is of interest to you, and you can catch up on some much-needed reading. There's nothing like a little armchair activism.